Truck Crash Kills Motorist in San Leandro
Posted on Aug 7, 2012 12:45pm PDT
A driver was killed on Highway 238 in San Leandro this morning after a big rig pushed the driver's car under another truck. The big rig accident snarled traffic for hours.
I have not seen the results of any investigation, but it is likely that this accident happened in one of two ways: 1) either the rear truck rear-ended the car and pushed the car under the front truck; or, 2) the car cut in front of the rear truck as it was slowing behind the front truck. The most likely scenario is that the truck in back simply was not paying attention, as it should have had sufficient space between it and the truck in front of it (i.e., normally, one truck does not stop mere feet behind another truck.
This accident will most likely result in a wrongful death claim against the truck driver of the truck and/or his or her employer.